Blended Learning in English Teaching and Learning


This paper provides an overview of research related to the use of blended learning in English as a th language/foreign language context. Blended learning is a relatively new field that combines traditional educational approaches with distance and online learning. The use of blended learning is highlighted in recent study investigating the academic and societal benefits of this educational approach.

How to Cite

Blended Learning in English Teaching and Learning. (2023). "XXI ASRDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALAR, FAN VA TAʼLIM TARAQQIYOTIDAGI DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR" Nomli Respublika Ilmiy-Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 1(6), 5-8.


This paper provides an overview of research related to the use of blended learning in English as a th language/foreign language context. Blended learning is a relatively new field that combines traditional educational approaches with distance and online learning. The use of blended learning is highlighted in recent study investigating the academic and societal benefits of this educational approach.



Blended learning effectiveness: the relationship between student characteristics, design features and outcomes | International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | Full Text


Graham, C. R. (2013). Emerging practice and research in blended learning. In Handbook of distance education (pp. 333-350). Routledge

Grgurovic, M. (2011). Blended learning in an ESL class: A case study. Calico Journal, 29(1), 100-117.

Ja’ashan, M. M. (2015). Perceptions and attitudes towards blended learning for English courses: A case study of students at University of Bisha. English Language Teaching, 8(9), 40-50. doi: 10.5539/elt.v8n9p40.