
Sudden heart death (SCD), abdominal fibrillation, heart ischemic disease, acute miocardial infarction, heart attack, arterial hypertension, aorta stenosis, cardiogenic shock, left abdominal hypertrophy.

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SUDDEN HEART DEATH СOMORBIDITY, FEATURES, DANGERS AND CONSEQUENCES. (2024). Journal of Universal Science Research, 2(5), 804-810.


Sudden heart death (SCD) - a natural, nonviolent death from heart causes, which occurred within an hour after the onset of sudden acute symptoms, most often from ventricle taxiaritis (ventricle fibrillation).As material for scientific work,  247 patients were taken  from the Khmer Rouge Regional Emergency Medical Center with nostalbia stenosis, heart ischemic disease, and abdominal fibrillation in the department of emergency cardiology  at the  Khmer Rouge Regional Emergency Medical Center.

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is mainly a common death in people with chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Patients with acute miocardial infarction, It is considered to be a sudden death, approved, heart attack death, especially in the first hours of infarction development (in the early (acute) stage of miocardial infarction. According to its mechanisms, clinical appearance and a set of necessary rehabilitation measures, this is fully consistent with sudden heart death that develops in other forms of cardiovascular disease   



History of diseases of the Department of Emergency Cardiology at the Khmer Rouge Regional Emergency Medical Center

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