
vakuum, plazma-katod, elektron manbalar, elektron nurlar, plazmali azotlash, po‘lat, uglerod, azot, qattiqlik, ishlov berish

How to Cite

Sh. Aliyev, & N.M. Safarov. (2024). ELEKTRON NUR BILAN VAKUUM MUHITIDA TIKUV JIHOZINING ISHCHI QISMLARINI AZOTLASH. Journal of Science-Innovative Research in Uzbekistan, 2(4), 285–295. Retrieved from https://universalpublishings.com/~niverta1/index.php/jsiru/article/view/5209


Maqolada forevakuum bosimi ostida po‘latni elektron nurlari yordamida azotlash jarayoniga gaz bosimi va siljish potentsialining ta’sirini o‘rganish natijalari keltirilgan bo‘lib, o‘lchov natijalari taqdim etiladi va nur plazmasining massa-zaryad tarkibi hamda azotlangan sirtning parametrlari va xususiyatlari o‘rtasidagi bog‘lanishlar aniqlanadi


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N.M. Safarov, (phd) A.T. Majidov, I.M. Mirsultanov Сalculation of change of stock moisture content of the drying agent in the process of drying raw cotton in solar drying equipment. Participated in the III International Scienific Conference on Metrological Support of innovative Tehnologies (ICMSIT-III-2022) on March 3-6, / St. Petersburg-Krasnoyarsk. Russia.

Akbar Abrorov, Nazirjon Safarov, Fazliddin Kurbonov, Matluba Kuvoncheva, Khasan Saidov Mathematical model of hardening the disk-shaped saw teeth with laser beams. Participated in the II International Scienific Conference on “ASEDU-II 2021: Advances in Science, Enjineering Digital Education” on Oktober 28. 2022 / Krasnoyarsk. Russia.

Nazirjon Safarov, Ilkhomjon Mirsultonov Development Of Mathematical Model Of Drying The Raw Cotton During Transportation In Pipeline By Hot Air Flow. Participated in the II International Scienific Conference on “ASEDU-II 2021: Advances in Science, Enjineering Digital Education” on Oktober 28. 2022 / Krasnoyarsk. Russia.

Nazirjon Safarov, Iroda Mukhammadjanova, Mukhammadali Kabulov Mathematical model of the process of vertical drying of raw cotton in the hot airflow. Participated in the II International Scienific Conference on “ASEDU-II 2021: Advances in Science, Enjineering Digital Education” Krasnoyarsk. Russia.

Nazirjon Safarov, Akbar Abrorov, and Laziz Abdullaev AAPM-2023 “Dynamik analiysis of physical and mechanical forces of acting on the needle of a shoe sewing mashine in the process of sewing leather” Journal of Phvsics: Conference Series. 2573 012036

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