
trikotaj, xalqa, jakkard, glad, to‘qima, qalinlik, cho‘ziluvchan, pishshiq, maxsus uskuna, plastina, taxlil, namunalar, havo o‘tkazuvchanlik

How to Cite

Abduraximova Manzura Sodiqovna. (2023). TRIKOTAJ MATOLARINING HAVO O‘TKAZUVCHALIK HUSUSIYATINI ANIQLASH. Journal of Science-Innovative Research in Uzbekistan, 1(9), 89–95. Retrieved from


Ushbu maqolada foydalanib jakkard to‘qimali, jakkard,glad to‘qilgan,krepshifon va suprem trikotaj matolarining 7 ta variant namunalarini fizikmexanik ko‘rsatkichlari asosida matolarning havo o‘tkazuvchanlik hususiyatlarining tahlil natijalari aniqlangan



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