
meaningful proximity, contact communication, distant communication, chain communication, intonation, connectors, connecting words, sentence fragments.

How to Cite

LEXICAL COHESION IN THE TEXT. (2023). "Conference on Universal Science Research 2023", 1(12), 16-18. https://universalpublishings.com/~niverta1/index.php/cusr/article/view/3008


This paper aims to give a general overview of the types of lexical cohesion in the English language. Together with grammatical cohesion, lexical cohesion forms one of the seven standards of textuality, namely cohesion. Therefore, a short explanation of the term itself as well as the difference between grammatical and lexical cohesion is given before focus is set on lexical cohesion and its different types.The types of lexical cohesion are the main topic of this paper. The given definitions and explanations aim to show what lexical cohesion is about, and the examples demonstrate how lexical cohesion works in a text. The types of lexical cohesion presented in this term paper refer to the classification of Schubert, who names the following ones: repetition, sense relations including synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy as well as meronymy, paraphrase, and collocation.



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