
transport, avtomobil, temir yo‘l, tarmoq, multitarmoq, rivojlantirish, yo‘l sxemasi, optimal, matematik model, yuk tashish.

How to Cite

Kuziyev Abdimurot Urokovich, Muratov Abobakr Xolikberdievich, & Raxmonqulov Baxtiyor To'ychiboyevich. (2024). HUDUDDAGI OQIMLARNI TRANSPORT TARMOG‘IDA OPTIMAL TAQSIMLASH MASALASINING MATEMATIK MODELI. TECHNICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN UZBEKISTAN, 2(3), 68–76. Retrieved from


Maqolada transport sektori va kommunikatsiyalari rivojlanishi va  muammolari, iqtisodiyoti o‘sib borayotgan sharoitda unga qo‘yiladigan yangi talablar tahlil etilgan. Shuningdek hududdagi yuk oqimlarini avtomobil va temir yo‘l transporti vositalari va tarmog‘idan samarali foydalanilgan holda o‘zlashtirish hamda ularni istiqboldagi yuk oqimlarini o‘sishiga mos ravishda rivojlantirish masalasining qo‘yilishi va matematik modeli qaralgan.



Merenkov A.O. Zarubejniy opit v oblasti realizatsii intellektualnix transportnix sistem/ Vestnik Universiteta №7.-2015.

Livshits V.N., Belousova N.I., Bushanskiy S.P. Sovershenstvovanie teoreticheskix osnov, modeley i metodov optimizatsii razvitiya seti avtomobilnix dorog//Sb. nauch. tr. ZAO. Kompyuterniy audit, №3. 2004-S. 114-120.

Mouna Mnif, Sadok Bouamama. (2017) Firework Algorithm For Multi-Objective Optimization Of A Multimodal Transportation Network Problem//Procedia Computer Science. Rr. 1670–1682.

S.M.Goncharuk, V.A. Anisimov, N.S. Nesterova, N.A. Lebedeva (2012) Methodological Foundation for Designing Stage-by-Stage Development of Layout and Capacity of Multimodal Transportation Network: A Monograph, Khabarovsk, Izdatelstvo DVGUPS.

Kuziev, A. U. (2022). Methodology of development of the regional road network. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 3(5), 969-975.

Butayev, Sh.A., Sidiknazarov, K.M., Murodov, A.S., & Kuziev A.U. (2012). Logistika (Yetkazib berish zanjirida oqimlarni boshqarish). Toshkent," Ekstremum Press, 577.

Kabashkin, I. (2015). Modelling of regional transit multimodal transport accessibility with Petri net simulation. Procedia Computer Science, 77, 151-157.

Fedorova, A., Kuzmenkov, A., & Emelianova, E. (2023). Road transport infrastructure of republic of Karelia automobile roads: assessment of the state and development trends. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 371). EDP Sciences.

Kuziev A. Hudud ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanishiga transport tarmog‘i holatining ta’siri //Innovatsion texnologiyalar. – 2023. – T. 50. – №. 02. – S. 63-72.

Shermuxamedov A.A., Kuziyev A.U. Hudud avtomobil yo‘l tarmog‘ini rivojlantirish metodikasi // Innovatsion texnologiyalar. Ilmiy texnik jurnal. – 2022. №3, – 59-65 b.

Kuziev, A., Juraev, M., Yusufkhonov, Z., & Akhmedov, D. (2023, March). Application of multimodal transportation in the development of future flows of the region. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2612, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

Kuziev A.U., Muratov A.Kh. Improving the method of delivery of construction cargo in auto transport. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. 11, Issue 8, August 2021. рр. 207-216.

Abobakr Kholikberdievich Muratov. (2022). Increasing The Efficiency of Cargo Delivery to Consumers. Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12, 20–23. Retrieved from

Muratov A.X. Statement and Mathematical Model of the Problem of General Service in the Transportation of Cargo by Motor Vehicle. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science. 6, (May 2022), pp.288–291.

Merenkov A.O. Zarubejniy opit v oblasti realizatsii intellektualnix transportnix sistem/ Vestnik Universiteta №7.-2015.

Livshits V.N., Belousova N.I., Bushanskiy S.P. Sovershenstvovanie teoreticheskix osnov, modeley i metodov optimizatsii razvitiya seti avtomobilnix dorog//Sb. nauch. tr. ZAO. Kompyuterniy audit, №3. 2004-S. 114-120.

Mouna Mnif, Sadok Bouamama. (2017) Firework Algorithm For Multi-Objective Optimization Of A Multimodal Transportation Network Problem//Procedia Computer Science. Rr. 1670–1682.

S.M.Goncharuk, V.A. Anisimov, N.S. Nesterova, N.A. Lebedeva (2012) Methodological Foundation for Designing Stage-by-Stage Development of Layout and Capacity of Multimodal Transportation Network: A Monograph, Khabarovsk, Izdatelstvo DVGUPS.

Kuziev, A. U. (2022). Methodology of development of the regional road network. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 3(5), 969-975.

Butayev, Sh.A., Sidiknazarov, K.M., Murodov, A.S., & Kuziev A.U. (2012). Logistika (Yetkazib berish zanjirida oqimlarni boshqarish). Toshkent," Ekstremum Press, 577.

Kabashkin, I. (2015). Modelling of regional transit multimodal transport accessibility with Petri net simulation. Procedia Computer Science, 77, 151-157.

Fedorova, A., Kuzmenkov, A., & Emelianova, E. (2023). Road transport infrastructure of republic of Karelia automobile roads: assessment of the state and development trends. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 371). EDP Sciences.

Kuziev A. Hudud ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanishiga transport tarmog‘i holatining ta’siri //Innovatsion texnologiyalar. – 2023. – T. 50. – №. 02. – S. 63-72.

Shermuxamedov A.A., Kuziyev A.U. Hudud avtomobil yo‘l tarmog‘ini rivojlantirish metodikasi // Innovatsion texnologiyalar. Ilmiy texnik jurnal. – 2022. №3, – 59-65 b.

Kuziev, A., Juraev, M., Yusufkhonov, Z., & Akhmedov, D. (2023, March). Application of multimodal transportation in the development of future flows of the region. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2612, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

Kuziev A.U., Muratov A.Kh. Improving the method of delivery of construction cargo in auto transport. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. 11, Issue 8, August 2021. рр. 207-216.

Abobakr Kholikberdievich Muratov. (2022). Increasing The Efficiency of Cargo Delivery to Consumers. Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12, 20–23. Retrieved from

Muratov A.X. Statement and Mathematical Model of the Problem of General Service in the Transportation of Cargo by Motor Vehicle. European Multidisciplinary Journal of Modern Science. 6, (May 2022), pp.288–291.

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