Due to the vital activity of soil microbes, mainly rotting and mineralization of waste decomposers, animals and plants occurs with the formation of humic substances. Economic activity is the process of self-purification of the soil from xenobiotics introduced as a result of human impact (pesticides, petroleum products, nitroaromatic substances, plastics, polyethylene, etc.). With the help of soil microorganisms, the biological cycle of many mineral elements (carbon, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and manganese) is carried out. Thanks to the activity of these microorganisms, soil fertility increases.
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A.Rafiqov’Geoekologik muammolar’ toshkent. O’qituvchi nashriyoti
A.X.Vaxobov U.M.Jo’rayeva ‘’Mikrobiologiya va virusologiya’
M.X.Yo’ldoshev ‘’Tuproqshunoslik va dehqonchilik asoslari’’
S.A.Azimboyev ‘’Dehqonchilik, tuproqshunoslik va agrokimyo asoslari’’