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ichthyosis, vulgar and congenital ichthyosis, xeroderma, simple and shiny ichthyosis, symptomatic therapy, vitamin therapy, hormonal therapy, physiotherapy.

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N.H. Islamov, Murodova Mexribonu Asrorovna, Sultonbayeva Ruxsora Xudayshukur qizi, Oʻrinova Sevinch Murodali qizi, Murodullayeva Mohinur Umidjon qizi, & Xamedova Zebiniso Xomid qizi. (2024). IXTHIOSIS DISEASE CLINICAL SYMPTOMS, DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT METHODS. MEDICINE, PEDAGOGY AND TECHNOLOGY: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 2(2), 335–338. Retrieved from https://universalpublishings.com/index.php/mpttp/article/view/4464


Study of ichthyosis disease and its forms, diagnostics and modern treatment methods.

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