The role and useful properties of the olive (Olea) tree in folk medicine.
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Olives, beneficial aspects for internal organs, beneficial properties for the skin layer, prevention of the aging process, helps the growth of bones, methods of adaptation to Uzbek conditions, methods of growing olives.

How to Cite

Fayzullayev Utkir Aminqulovich, & Omonova Latofat Bozor qizi. (2024). The role and useful properties of the olive (Olea) tree in folk medicine. MEDICINE, PEDAGOGY AND TECHNOLOGY: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 2(2), 77–82. Retrieved from


The content of this article describes the mechanisms of the olive (olea) plant's influence on the human body, the medicinal properties of the substances contained in the olive (olea) plant in the human body, its biological properties, and its role and significance in folk medicine. .

Olive is an evergreen subtropical tree. It is a family of plants belonging to the oleaceae family, which mainly includes representatives of olive, shumtol, ligusturum, and siren. About 600 species of this category are known. Only one species - European olive tree (olea europaea) has economic importance. Although these tree species are mainly located in different climatic zones, they grow well in places with precipitation indicators of 600-800 mm. The olive tree is used for obtaining oil and in horticulture and gardens. In traditional medicine, its leaves, bark and fruits are used, besides, olive oil is the basis of diet of Mediterranean people.

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