Dental antomy and topagraphy.


Dental anatomy, dental topography, oral health, dentistry, tooth structure, occlusion, periodontium, dental morphology

How to Cite

Dental antomy and topagraphy. (2023). Journal of Universal Science Research, 1(12), 106-110.


This article delves into the intricate world of dental anatomy and topography, examining the essential structures that constitute the oral cavity. It explores the significance of understanding dental morphology in the context of oral health and dentistry. The literature analysis consolidates key findings from relevant research, while the methods section outlines the approaches used in studying dental anatomy. The results section presents critical insights into the intricate structures and their functions. The discussion section interprets the findings and addresses their implications for clinical practice. The conclusion offers a summary of the key takeaways, and suggestions for future research in the field are provided.



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