Teacher-Student Interaction and Classroom Dynamics: Exploring the Impact on Student Learning


teacher-student interaction, classroom dynamics, communication styles, feedback strategies, rapport building, student engagement, motivation, academic achievement

How to Cite

Dilnoza Gayratova Dadaboy kizi. (2023). Teacher-Student Interaction and Classroom Dynamics: Exploring the Impact on Student Learning. Journal of Universal Science Research, 1(11), 106–109. Retrieved from https://universalpublishings.com/index.php/jusr/article/view/2545


Teacher-student interaction plays a crucial role in shaping classroom dynamics and influencing student learning outcomes. This article examines the significance of teacher-student interaction and its impact on classroom dynamics. It explores various factors that contribute to effective teacher-student interaction, including communication styles, feedback strategies, and rapport building. The article also discusses the implications of positive teacher-student interaction on student engagement, motivation, and academic achievement. Understanding the dynamics of teacher-student interaction can inform educators in creating supportive and inclusive learning environments that foster student success.



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