
: Bis-carbamate, pass online, screening, agonist, activity, medical, biological, virtual, cytochromes

How to Cite

Eldor Mashaev, Feruz Shapatov, & Bakhtiyar Kenjaev. (2024). PREDICTION OF PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BISCARBAMATE MEE-2 AND ITS DERIVATIVES. Journal of Science-Innovative Research in Uzbekistan, 2(1), 726–733. Retrieved from


In this research work, the biological activities of bis-carbamate MEE-2 and its derivatives were studied in the online pass online virtual screening program for the pharmaceutical and medical industries. As a result of screening, many pharmacotherapeutic activities were identified with a high percentage of the presence of various cytochromes as inhibitors, agonists and substrates. The data obtained will help for further research on these compounds and their use in pharmacology


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