
yengil sanoat, badiiy bezash, applikatsiya, gazlama

How to Cite

Xoshimova Maftunaxon Xoshimjon qizi. (2023). TIKUV BUYUMLARINI BADIIY BEZASHDA APPLIKATSIYA USULIDAN FOYDALANISH. Journal of Science-Innovative Research in Uzbekistan, 1(9), 75–79. Retrieved from https://universalpublishings.com/index.php/jsiru/article/view/3028


Mazkur maqolada yengil sanoat sohasidagi tikuvchilik yo‘nalishida kiyimlarni bezashda applikatsiya usulidan foydalanish, va applikatsiya turlari ulardan to‘g‘ri foydalanish xususida so‘z yuritilgan



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