In this context, this paper presents a focus towards imagery by studying the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, its broader relation image towards the present day human existence.
Elliot provides a strong picture of a person who is paralyzed by anxiety and worries, straining to them self through a number of intense, and often conflicting images, many that are abstract. What is more, the image helps in the understanding of the central themes of ambiguousness, alienation and temporal aspects of Prufrock’s modernist manner and also, his emotional and psychological aspects. Therefore, and for many other reasons, for Prufrock is included to the best works of modernist writers about humans in this sheer volume. In the very modern day dramatic reading of T.S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock focuses around character by the name of JA, Elliot utilizes bold perhaps disturbing images outlining alienation temporality and complete absence of other people connection.
And within this prism or the image of Prufrock in the modern world, is seen as: ‘a hamlefic disdain for decisive action’ which, among other things.
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