In recent years, there have been many researches devoted to the theoretical foundations of the sawing process. However, among them, there are none devoted to the study of the process of extracting the fiber separated from the seed from the saw teeth. From this point of view and based on the existing problems of fiber removal in saw teeth, this research aims to fill this gap and analyze the problems related to this topic
MDInamova, S.Noorullah, KIOrtikhova, GRJo'rayeva, AAMirzaakramov Geometry of the gin-saw teeth effect on separation of fibers from seed cotton during the ginning process // Pakistan journal of biotechnology VOLUME 21, 21.01.2024 pp.114-119.
KIOrtikova , A. Umarov, M. Inamova Increasing the efficiency of saw ginning technology // The American Journal of Engineering and Technology The USA journals, October 30, 2023 VOLUME 05, ISSUE 10, pp. 12-27. ( Impact Factor: 7.038 ).
A. Sulaimanov, M. Inamova, Kh. Yuldashev Theoretical studies of the nature of the interaction of cotton seeds in the gap between // EURASIAN JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH Innovative Academy Research Support Center. Volume 2, October 2022. pp. 666-672. ( Impact Factor: 6.68 ).
M. Inamova, S. Rejabboyev Laboratory analysis of seeds that have gone through the ginning process using an infrared scanner // Scientific and technical journal of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute. Volume-26, October 4, 2022. 173-175 b. (05.00.00 No.-20).