Proverbs and says as a communicative phraselogical units in English language.


Proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, English language, communication, cultural wisdom, linguistic creativity, idiomatic expressions, rhetorical impact, intergenerational transmission, language acquisition, cross-cultural communication.

How to Cite

Abduvahobova Sevara Sobirjon qizi, & Xoldorova Hulkaroy. (2024). Proverbs and says as a communicative phraselogical units in English language. "XXI ASRDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALAR, FAN VA TAʼLIM TARAQQIYOTIDAGI DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR" Nomli Respublika Ilmiy-Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 2(1), 41–44. Retrieved from


This annotation delves into the linguistic and communicative aspects of proverbs and sayings as vital components of the English language. It evaluates the role of these phraseological units in conveying cultural wisdom, expressing universal truths, and encapsulating shared societal values. The discussion encompasses the etymology, semantic nuances, and pragmatic usage of proverbs and sayings, emphasizing their efficacy in enhancing communicative clarity, rhetorical impact, and intergenerational transmission of knowledge. Furthermore, it elucidates the interplay between proverbs, idiomatic expressions, and linguistic creativity in diverse communicative contexts, shedding light on their significance in language acquisition, cross-cultural communication, and literary discourse.



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