Lexical semantic features of banking and finance terms


Level, integration, finance, economic, Comparative analysis

How to Cite

Xushboqova Xolida Salomat qizi. (2023). Lexical semantic features of banking and finance terms. "XXI ASRDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALAR, FAN VA TAʼLIM TARAQQIYOTIDAGI DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR" Nomli Respublika Ilmiy-Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 1(11), 5–10. Retrieved from https://universalpublishings.com/index.php/itfttdm/article/view/2495


Globalization and integration of financial and economic procosses taking place in the world economy have stimulated the country’s economic and financial sectors to a qualitatively new level. Comparative analysis of the financial and economic terminology of the banking-finance terms in the world linguistics on the examples of English and Uzbek languages not only develop systemic relationship in the lexicon of the studied language, but also interdisciplinary comparative-typological studies, banking-finance terminology and dictionary of banking-finance terms to identify and analyze the important and distinctive features that are important for creating and the differences in lexical-semantic phenomena.



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