
communicative barriers, interpersonal communication, cultural differences, language discrepancies, psychological barriers, environmental distractions, active listening, empathy, communication strategies, interpersonal relationships.

How to Cite

Khushnazarova Gulnoza Furkhatovna, & Khafizova Mokhida Abbos qizi. (2024). FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE BARRIERS. Yangi O’zbekistonda Tabiiy Va Ijtimoiy-Gumanitar Fanlar Respublika Ilmiy Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 2(6), 40–44. Retrieved from


This article studies the intricacies of communicative barriers and their impact on effective interpersonal interactions. It explores various sources of these barriers, including cultural differences, language discrepancies, psychological factors, and environmental distractions, which can all impede clear communication. By examining these elements, the article highlights the importance of identifying and understanding the causes of communicative barriers to develop effective strategies for overcoming them. Key approaches such as active listening, empathy, and adapting communication styles are discussed as vital tools for enhancing communication and fostering stronger relationships. This comprehensive analysis aims to provide readers with a deeper insight into the formation of communicative barriers and practical solutions to mitigate their effects.



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