“Compare and contrast - theoretical perspectives”


Theoretical perspectives, Structural functionalism, Conflict theory, Behaviorism, Cognitive psychology, Evolutionary biology, Creationism, Liberalism, Conservatism, Sociological analysis, Psychological frameworks.

How to Cite

ABDURAXMANOVA ZILOLA YOQUBJON QIZI, & Normamatov Bahodir Xamza ugli. (2023). “Compare and contrast - theoretical perspectives”. Yangi O’zbekistonda Tabiiy Va Ijtimoiy-Gumanitar Fanlar Respublika Ilmiy Amaliy Konferensiyasi, 1(8), 206–209. Retrieved from https://universalpublishings.com/index.php/gumanitar/article/view/3360


This article provides an insightful exploration of diverse theoretical perspectives across different academic disciplines, aiming to uncover the unique lenses through which researchers interpret and analyze complex phenomena. By comparing and contrasting specific theoretical frameworks, the article sheds light on the foundational principles that shape our understanding of sociological structures, psychological processes, origins of life, and political ideologies. The examination begins with a sociological lens, juxtaposing structural functionalism and conflict theory to highlight their distinctive approaches to social dynamics. Transitioning to psychology, the article navigates the dichotomy between behaviorism and cognitive psychology, addressing the ongoing debate surrounding observable behaviors versus internal mental processes.



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