
handshake, nodding, thumbs up, victory, pointing, crossed fingers, thumbs down.

How to Cite

NATIONAL SPECIFIES OF GESTURES IN ENGLISH. (2023). "Conference on Universal Science Research 2023", 1(12), 154-156.


Gestures and body language can vary widely between different cultures. In English-speaking cultures, there are several common gestures that are widely recognized and used. For example, a firm handshake is often used when greeting someone, while nodding the head up and down signifies agreement or understanding. Thumbs up is a gesture that typically means "okay" or "good job" in English-speaking cultures. It's worth noting, however, that the meanings of gestures can vary across different English-speaking countries and regions, and certain gestures that are acceptable or positive in one culture may carry different connotations in another. For this reason, it's important to be aware of cultural differences in nonverbal communication when interacting with people from different backgrounds.

English-speaking cultures have a range of gestures and nonverbal communication that are widely recognized within their society. These gestures play a significant role in communication and are often used to convey various emotions, messages, and social cues. Here are some common English gestures and their meanings:



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