Kuzgi bug‘doy navlari donning sifat ko‘rsatkichlariga ekologik omillarning ta’siri


Ekologik omillar, yuqori harorat, tuproq sho‘rlanishi, abiotik omillar, antropogen omillar, hosildorlik, vegetatsiya davri.

How to Cite

Kuzgi bug‘doy navlari donning sifat ko‘rsatkichlariga ekologik omillarning ta’siri. (2025). CONFERENCE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES IN SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIVE RESEARCH, 2(1), 114-118. https://universalpublishings.com/index.php/cnassir/article/view/9487


Ushbu maqolada Xorazm viloyati sharoitida ekilayotgan kuzgi bug‘doyning Zimnitsa, Asr va Gurt navlari donining sifat ko‘rsatkichlariga abiotik stress omillari (yuqori harorat, tuproq sho‘rlanishi) va antropogen omil sifatida ekish muddatlari, o‘g‘it me’yorilarining ta’siri o‘rganilgan hamda navlar kesimida qiyosiy tahlillar natijasi bayon qilingan.



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