Rus adabiyoti

How to Cite

Мансурова , Р., & Шарипова , Ю. (2024). Rus adabiyoti. CONFERENCE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES IN SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIVE RESEARCH, 1(5), 131–136. Retrieved from


Rus adabiyoti – Rossiya va uning muhojirlari adabiyoti va rus tilidagi adabiyotga tegishli. Rus adabiyotining ildizlari qadimgi Sharqiy slavyan tilidagi doston va xronikalar yaratilgan oʻrta asrlarga toʻgʻri keladi. XIX asrga kelib adabiyotning ahamiyati oshib bordi.



Moscow International Book Fair (Wayback Machine saytida 2012-04-25 sanasida arxivlangan). Retrieved on 2012-06-17. 2. Rivkin-Fish, Michele R.. Dilemmas of Diversity After the Cold War: Analyses of "Cultural Difference" by U.S. and Russia-Based Scholars. Woodrow Wilson Center, 2010.

"When mass illiteracy was finally liquidated in the first half of the twentieth century, the proud self-image of Russians as „the most reading nation in the world“ emerged — where reading meant, and still means for many, the reading of literature".

Letopisi: Literature of Old Rus'. Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary. ed. by Oleg Tvorogov. Moscow: Prosvescheniye („Enlightenment“), 1996. (ruscha: Летописи // Литература Древней Руси. Биобиблиографический словарь / под ред. О.В. Творогова. – М.: Просвещение, 1996.) 4. Terras, pp. 221-223 5. Terras, pp. 474-477 6. Lang, D.M. „Boileau and Sumarokov: The Manifesto of Russian Classicism. “The Modern Language Review, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1948, p. 502 7. Lang, D.M. „Boileau and Sumarokov: The Manifesto of Russian Classicism. “The Modern Language Review, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1948, p. 500 8. Terras, pp. 365-366 9. Offord, Derek (2005). „Denis Fonvizin and the Concept of Nobility: An Eighteenth-century Russian Echo of a Western Debate“. European History Quarterly. 35-jild, № 1. 10-bet. doi:10.1177/0265691405049200.

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