Editorial Team
- Editor-in-chief, Eshkaraev Sadridin Chorievich - associate professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of Termiz State University, Doctor of Philosophy Chemical Science, Termez, Uzbekistan. esadir_74@rambler.ru
- Editor of philosophical sciences, Lutfullaev. A. Abduvali - Editor of philosophical sciences Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanism engineers national research university, doctor of philosophy in philosophical sciences
- Editor of medical sciences Ye Fan Wang Glavin, Case Western Reserve University, United States / Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, China
- Editor-of technical science, Eshkaraev Ulugbek Chorievich - Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education Methodology of Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Denau, Uzbekistan.
- Editor of medical sciences Carolyn Steele Gray, Canada Research Chair in Implementing Digital Health Innovation (Tier 2), Canada
- Editor of technical science Babamuratov Bekzod Ergashevich - associate professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Termiz State University, Doctor of Philosophy Technical Science, Termez, Uzbekistan.
- Editor of medical sciences Donata Kurpas, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
- Editor of chemical sciences Mirabbos Hojamberdiev Ikromovich- assosiate professor of the Technische Universität Berlin, doctor of chemical science, Berlin, Germany
- Editor of medical sciences Mirella Minkman, Vilans, Netherlands
- Editor of chemical science Furkat B. Eshkurbonov - Termiz institute of engineering and technology, doctor of sciences in chemistry, Professor of technology of organic substance and materials on their basis, Termez, Uzbekistan.E-mail: furqateshqurbonov@gmail.com
- Editor of medical sciences Roberto Nuño, Director Investigación y Formación Fundación Gaspar Casal, Spain
- Editor-of Economic, Otamurodov Shavkat Tillayevich - Vice-rector of Termiz University of Economics and Service Doctor of Economic science, Termez, Uzbekistan.
- Editor of medical sciences David Perkins, University of Newcastle, Australia
- Editor-of Social and humanities, Xudoyberdiyev Xursand Xudoyberdiyevich - Termiz Institute of Engineering and Technology, Doctor of Social and humanity Science, Termez, Uzbekistan.
- Editor of medical sciences Otamurodov Furqat Abdukarimovich, Director of Termiz Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, Termez, Uzbekistan Doctor of science in Medical Sciences, Termez, Uzbekistan.
- Editor of medical sciences Robert Henderson, University of Arizona
- Editor biological sciences Nurova Zamira Annakulovna Termez branch of Tashkent Medical Academy. Termez, Uzbekistan Doctor of biological science, docent, Termez, Uzbekistan.
- Editor filological sciences Chris Kennedy, University of Chicago
- Editor of medical sciences Turabayeva Zarina Kenjabekovna
Termez branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, doctor of Philosophy medical sciences, Termez, Uzbekistan. - Editor of Sociology science Eryigitova Lobar QodirovnaHead of the Department of Social Sciences and Physical Culture of CAMU International Medical University
- Editor filological sciences Jurayeva Ramziya Abdurahimovna Kokand State Pedagogical Institute. Kokand, Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), senior teacher.
- Editor of medical sciences Rasulov. M. Shomurod Termez branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, doctor of Philosophy medical sciences, Termez, Uzbekistan.
- Editor of philological sciences Shukhratjon. Sh. Kalandarov - Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences.