
financial globalization, foreign investment, economic growth, exchange rates, financial crisis, regulation, social inequality

How to Cite

FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION: OPPORTUNITIES AND OBSTACLES. (2024). Journal of Universal Science Research, 2(5), 954-960.


Financial globalization, a process that ensures the free movement of capital and financial services internationally, has become an integral part of the modern economy. This article analyzes the possibilities and obstacles of financial globalization. Among the possibilities, aspects such as attracting foreign investments, increasing capital efficiency, ensuring the rapid exchange of technology and knowledge are discussed. Financial globalization increases international financial cooperation by expanding diversification opportunities for investors. However, there are also obstacles associated with this process. Problems such as changes in exchange rates, the spread of financial crises, regulatory differences and the weakness of financial control can threaten financial stability. In addition, financial globalization can exacerbate social and economic inequalities such as uneven distribution of wealth and loss of jobs. The article emphasizes that countries must maintain a stable financial policy, strengthen international financial cooperation and improve financial control in order to get the maximum benefit from financial globalization. Through a deeper understanding of the possibilities and barriers of financial globalization, global economic stability and growth can be ensured.



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