
eksponentsial, chiziqli, polinomli, darajali, logarifmli trend modellari, regressiya.

How to Cite

YALPI HUDUDIY MAHSULOT HAJMINI EKONOMETRIK MODELLASHTIRISH. (2024). Journal of Universal Science Research, 2(5), 751-764. http://universalpublishings.com/index.php/jusr/article/view/6007


Ushbu maqolada Surxondaryo viloyati yalpi hududiy mahsulot hajmi eksponentsial, chiziqli, polinomli, darajali, logarifmli trend modellari yordamida 2028 yilga qadar prognoz qilingan hamda iqtisodiy jarayonga eng mos model turi aniqlangan.



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