
ilmiy kashfiyot, Klaus Shvab, grafen, poligeksahidrotriazin, iqtisodiyotdagi tendentsiyalar

How to Cite

IQTISODIYOTDAGI TENDENTSIYALAR O‘SISH SUR’ATLARI. (2023). Journal of Universal Science Research, 1(7), 125-131.


Asosiy foyda oluvchilar intellektual va jismoniy kapitalni etkazib beruvchilardir (innovatorlar, investorlar, aktsiyadorlar). Foyda va qadriyatlar platforma effekti tufayli oz sonli odamlarning qo‘lida bo‘ladi. Buning oldini olish uchun birgalikda raqamli innovatsiyalar orqali raqamli platformalarning foydalari va xavflarini muvozanatlashingiz kerak.



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Shermatov G.G. Production technologies - as an object of management. «Экономика и социум» №2(81) часть 1 (февраль, 2021). –СТР. 316-318.

Shermatov G.G. Situational approaches to effective leadership. «Экономика и социум» №3(82) часть 1 (март, 2021). –СТР. 278-280.

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Шерматов Ғ., Давронова. Компас-3d дастуридан фойдаланиб детал конструкциялари бўйича амалий ишларни бажариш. Наманган муҳандислик-технология институти илмий-техника журнали. 2020 йил ТОМ 5 – Махсус сон (3), 338-344 бетлар.

Shermatov G’.G’.The place and role of enterprise in the development of the national economy. International journal of research in commerce, it, engineering and social sciencesInternational journal of research in commerce, it, engineering and social sciences. ISSN: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876.,Volume: 16 Issue: 05in May2022. Май. -СТР 52-56.

Shermatov G’.G’.Signs, functions and responsibilities of the enterprise. Asia pacific journal of marketing & management review. Vol. 11 No. 05 (2022). -СТР 55-60.

Shermatov G’.G’.The economic nature and objective necessity of planning and forecasting in a market economy. Asia pacific journal of marketing & management review. Vol. 11 No. 05 (2022). -СТР 61-65 бетлар

Shermatov G’.G’. Perspectives of using standards based on management systems for increasing the competitiveness of fruit and vegetable products in the republic of Uzbekistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 8 ¦ 2022.-СТР 79-84.

Shermatov G’.G’.O‘zbekistonRespublikasidasamarali bank tizimini yaratish va uning faoliyatini rivojlantirish. Namangan muhandislik - texnologiya institute ilmiy-texnika jurnali. TOM 7, Maxsus son 2, 2022. 478-483 бетлар.

ШерматовҒ. Компаниянингривожланишстратегиясиниишлаб чиқиш босқичларининг ўзига хос хусусиятлари. «Қурилишда инновациялар, бинолар ва иншоотларнинг сейсмик хавфсизлиги» мавзусидаги Халқаро миқёсидаги илмий ва илмий-техник конференция материаллари тўплами. НамМҚИ, 15-17 декабрь, 2022 йил, Наманган шаҳри.787-790 бетлар.

Shermatov G’.G’.Moliyaviy globallashuv sharoitida moliya bozorining rivojlanish tendensiyalari. "Science and Education" Scientific Journal / Impact Factor 3,848 (SJIF) February 2023 / Volume 4 Issue 2. 1500-1508 бетлар.

Shermatov G.G. Fundamentals of Economic Diagnostics and Modeling in Assessing the Development of the Economy. Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences Vol. 10 No. 2S (2023): Special Issue 2. –СТР 3703-3715.

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