
  • Buronov Oybek Paygamovich Students of Termiz state pedagogical institute.
  • Orifov Khimoyiddin Kosimovich Students of Termiz state pedagogical institute.


professional sphere, university students, communicative competence, educational process, educational and methodological documentation, professionally oriented education, English.


The article outlines some areas of professionally oriented 
teaching of English on the example of philologists. The main goals and objectives of 
the article are formulated. The relevance of the issue under consideration is indicated. 
The author emphasizes that the leading method in teaching professionally oriented 
English is the communicative method. In theoretical and methodological terms, this 
problem has not been fully studied, today many researchers and scientists are working 
on it. Some areas of providing professionally-oriented teaching of English to bachelors 
of philology are highlighted. The author refers to them: studying the needs of society 
in philological education, changing the content of education, which should contribute 
to the formation of communicative and professional competencies, as well as the 
creation of an educational and methodological base for the learning process.


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