Methods and Importance of Teaching a Second Foreign Language to Pre-school Children


  • Uroqova Sevinch The student of Karshi State University


Second Language Acquisition, Early Language Learning, Preschool Education, Play-Based Learning, Immersion, Explicit Instruction, Cognitive Development, Cultural Awareness


This article examines the methods and significance of teaching a second foreign language to preschool children. It argues that early language exposure can foster cognitive development, enhance linguistic abilities, and cultivate cultural understanding. The article explores effective pedagogical approaches, including play-based learning, immersion, and explicit instruction, emphasizing the crucial role of engaging activities, authentic materials, and sensitive scaffolding.


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How to Cite

Methods and Importance of Teaching a Second Foreign Language to Pre-school Children. (2024). ACUMEN: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH, 1(2), 19-23.