MEDICINE, PEDAGOGY AND TECHNOLOGY: THEORY AND PRACTICE 2024-07-21T04:13:46-06:00 Бобоёров Сардор [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Website link:</strong><br /><strong>Title: I</strong>nternational scientific conference on "MEDICINE, PEDAGOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGY: THEORY AND PRACTICE"</p> <p><strong>Languages: </strong>Uzbek, Russian, English<strong><br />Founder: </strong>Research Science and Innovation House LLC<strong><br />Year of publication: </strong>2023<strong><br />Duration: </strong>12 issues per year<strong><br />Specialization (fields): </strong>Medicine, pedagogy, technical sciences, Architecture, Physics and mathematics, Chemistry, Geology and mineralogy.<strong><br /></strong>Based on the results of the conference, a collection of conference articles will be published within 2 days, which is posted on the website in the Conference Archive section and registered in the Google Schoolar Scientific Electronic Library. The participant's article is posted on zenodo by assigning a DOI to the international digital identifier of a scientific publication. Working languages of the conference: Russian, English. Doctors and candidates of sciences, researchers, researchers, specialists, candidates for academic degrees, teachers at all levels of the education system, graduate students, residents, master's students, bachelors, and students are invited to participate in the conference.<strong><br /><a href="">ResearchBib Impact Factor: 11.79 / 2023</a></strong></p> The place of term and word in linguistics 2024-07-10T23:21:56-06:00 Go’zal Raximova [email protected] Gulasal Bakhtiyarova [email protected] <p>Termin gapdan tashqarida olinganda ham ma’lum bir aniq ma’no ifodalaydigan, insonning ma’lum ish faoliyati bilan bog‘liq bo‘lgan tushunchalarni bildiradigan so‘z yoki turg‘un holatdagi so‘z birikmasidir. Uning asl lug‘aviy ma’nosi ham shuni anglatadi: lotin tilida <em>terminus</em> so‘zi “chegara belgisi, chek, chegara” degan ma’nolarni ifodalaydi. Ishlatilishi chegaralangan maxsus&nbsp; leksikaga terminlar, kasb-hunar leksikasi,&nbsp; jargonlar kiradi.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE ROLE OF TOURISM IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMY OF UZBEKISTAN. 2024-07-10T23:34:33-06:00 Xurshida Bekmurodova [email protected] <p>Ushbu maqola O‘zbekiston iqtisodiyotini rivojlantirishda turizm sohasining o‘rni va ahamiyatini tahlil qiladi. Maqolada turizmning yalpi ichki mahsulotga qo‘shadigan hissasi, yangi ish o‘rinlari yaratishdagi roli, xorijiy investitsiyalarni jalb qilishdagi ahamiyati, shuningdek, madaniy, ekoturizm va ziyorat turizmi kabi asosiy yo‘nalishlar ko‘rib chiqiladi. Turizm sohasidagi muammolar, jumladan, infratuzilma, marketing va malakali kadrlar yetishmovchiligi ham tahlil qilinadi va ularni hal etish yo‘llari taklif etiladi.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ventilation of pits in underground mining operations 2024-07-11T00:05:36-06:00 D.A Sulkhanov [email protected] <p>The article talks about proper ventilation of pits in underground mining operations, providing mining pits with the necessary equipment for ventilation, measuring toxic gases in the air in the pit after ventilation, and carrying out necessary work as a result, ensuring that fresh air enters the pit.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ENGLISH COMPOUND SENTENCES 2024-07-11T08:04:50-06:00 Muhammadjan Ibrahimov [email protected] Ahadjon Ataboyev [email protected] <p>A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so), semicolons, or conjunctive adverbs (however, therefore, moreover). Each clause can stand alone as a sentence. Key points include using a comma before coordinating conjunctions, semicolons for closely related clauses, and proper punctuation to avoid comma splices and run-on sentences. Varying sentence structures, maintaining clarity, and practicing correct punctuation are essential for mastering compound sentences, enhancing writing clarity and complexity in various contexts.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ВИД УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ И СИСТЕМА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ В ДОШКОЛЬНОМ ОБРАЗОВАНИИ 2024-07-11T08:14:43-06:00 Xosiyat Rahimova [email protected] <p>Правильная организация системы управления в системе дошкольного образования является одной из главных задач современности. В системе дошкольного образования существуют различные важные виды управления, и в статье представлена ​​информация о них.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 COMPOUND SENTENCES WITH ADVERSE CLAUSES IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK 2024-07-11T08:36:04-06:00 Muhammadjan Ibrahimov [email protected] Ahadjon Ataboyev [email protected] <p>Understanding compound sentences with adverse clauses is essential for mastering the intricacies of both English and Uzbek grammar. These sentences allow speakers to express contrasting ideas within a single sentence, enhancing the richness and clarity of communication. This article will explore the structure, use, and nuances of compound sentences with adverse clauses in both English and Uzbek, highlighting similarities and differences between the two languages.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A COMPARATIVE DESCRIPTION OF ENGLISH COMPOUND SENTENCES 2024-07-11T08:42:45-06:00 Muhammadjan Ibrahimov [email protected] Ahadjon Ataboyev [email protected] <p>Compound sentences are fundamental to English grammar, allowing writers and speakers to link related ideas and add variety to their language. Understanding how to construct and use compound sentences effectively is crucial for achieving fluency and sophistication in both written and spoken communication. This article will provide a detailed comparative description of English compound sentences, examining their structure, use, and variations.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH CONJUNCTIONS IN UZBEK. 2024-07-11T08:50:04-06:00 Muhammadjan Ibrahimov [email protected] Ahadjon Ataboyev [email protected] <p>Conjunctions serve as the glue that binds together various components of a sentence, enabling speakers and writers to express relationships between ideas, actions, and thoughts. Understanding conjunctions in different languages provides insights into the underlying logic and cultural nuances embedded in linguistic structures.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 APPLICATION OF INTERACTIVE METHOD AMONG PEDAGOGUES 2024-07-11T08:58:10-06:00 Marjona Uzoqova [email protected] <p>The interactive method in education has garnered significant attention for its potential to enhance learning outcomes by promoting active participation and engagement among students. This study examines the application of interactive methods among pedagogues, focusing on their effectiveness in fostering a dynamic and collaborative learning environment. Through a comprehensive review of literature and analysis of case studies, the research aims to provide insights into the practical implementation of interactive techniques in pedagogical settings. The findings suggest that interactive methods not only improve student motivation and understanding but also support the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The study concludes with recommendations for educators on integrating interactive methods into their teaching practices to maximize educational benefits.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Methodology for applying innovative and pedagogical technologies in the development of creativity abilities of students through the national dance tool 2024-07-11T09:04:35-06:00 Aziza Makhmudova [email protected] <p>This article will talk about the main features of the musical culture of Uzbekistan and Uzbek dance art. Opinions and information about the process of historical development of musical art, musical life, Uzbek national dance, how to use innovative technologies in order to develop interests in this art in students are described. Dance is considered a type of art, in which movements, compositions are made up of a certain rhythm and tempo, performed through emotional impressions that arise on the basis of the labor process of mankind and changes in domestic life. Of course, there are directions in which the dance art of each people, dance traditions, style of performance, visual means are performed in the direction of melody and music. Today, there is a growing need for students to spend their extracurricular time meaningfully. The need lies in improving the methods of performance skills in the development of creativity, the continuity of the theory and practice of performance skills and the need to know the principles of didactics, such as science, systemicity, sequence and consistency, enriching them with unbiased conclusions. Taking into account the important features of didactics, as well as other subjects, in the educational process, improving the pedagogical methodology of teaching dance art to young people, the student assumes the correct orientation of the students ' specific interest and creativity in dance art.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ФАКТОРЫ РИСКА ЗАДЕРЖКИ ПОЛОВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ У ДЕВОЧЕК-ПОДРОСТКОВ 2024-07-11T09:12:58-06:00 Иброхим Мамаризаев [email protected] <p>В имеющейся литературе vaимеются единичные и отдельные упоминания о влиянии экстрагенитальной патологии и наследственности на развитие задержки полового развития. Социальные и медицинские факторы, провоцирующие эту патологию, не изучены, и поэтому нет рекомендаций по доклиническому выявлению детей с риском позднего полового созревания.</p> <p>&nbsp;Изучение влияния неблагоприятных факторов и содержания на основной прогностический риск и сложная, своевременная профилактика задержки полового развития-актуальная задача.&nbsp; Современные методы лечения этой патологии зачастую неэффективны.&nbsp; Это обусловлено, с одной стороны, поздним посещением врача, а с другой- наличием достаточно эффективных методов диагностики и лечения, позволяющих сформировать репродуктивное здоровье и нормализовать функции второй системы: психоэмоциональной, эндокринной, иммунной.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Задержка полового развития у девочек-подростков требует дальнейшего изучения и разработки рекомендаций по прогнозу, диагностике и лечению данного заболевания.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ЛЕКАРСТВЕННЫЕ РАСТЕНИЯ С ПРОТИВОВОСПАЛИТЕЛЬНЫМИ СВОЙСТВАМИ. 2024-07-12T20:35:28-06:00 Мадина Юнусалиева [email protected] <p>В настоящее время выясняются лечебные свойства многих растений. Одной из таких особенностей является противовоспалительная активность природных соединений. Поэтому изучена противовоспалительная активность экстрактов местных растений, ладана, парчака, ромашки, можжевельника обыкновенного, розы и других растений. В результате ромашка показала высокую противовоспалительную активность - 96%, ромашка - 83% и очиток обыкновенный - 87%. В данной статье представлена ​​информация о клеточном механизме воспаления и некоторых лекарственных растениях.</p> 2024-07-12T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Сколиоз. Лечебные мероприятия и профилактика сколиоза. 2024-07-15T05:26:08-06:00 Мадина Буронова [email protected] <p>Сколиоз - это боковое искривление позвоночника во фронтальной плоскости. Реберный горб, который при этом наблюдается, образует деформацию с выпуклостью вбок и кзади – кифосколиоз. <strong>Сколиоз и нарушение осанки – это не одинаковые понятия</strong>. В последнем случае удается легче исправить ситуацию с помощью физических упражнений, а также правильным положением тела.</p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Кунгабоқар (Helianthus) селекциясида турлараро дурагайлаш 2024-07-16T23:40:08-06:00 Ирода Лукова [email protected] Жасур Эргашев [email protected] <p>Ушбу мақолада кунгабоқарнинг маданий&nbsp; экма тури билан ер ноки тури (топинамбур) ни&nbsp; чатиштириш&nbsp;&nbsp; ўтказилганлиги ҳақида селекцион ишлар ва&nbsp; турлараро дурагайлшнинг қисқача тарихи ҳамда ижобий аҳамиятга эга эканлиги&nbsp;&nbsp; ҳақида маълумотлар&nbsp; берилган</p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ҒЎЗА ҲОСИЛДОРЛИГИ 2024-07-20T05:37:31-06:00 D.T. Jumanov [email protected] N.N Ochildiyev [email protected] Sh.H Ubaydullayeva [email protected] <p>70-70-60 % суғориш режимида туп қалинлиги ва ўғитларнинг ўзаро нисбатига боғлиқ ҳолда ўртача 35,4-40,5 ц/га ҳосил олинган бўлса, 75-75-60 % суғориш режимида ҳосилдорлик вариантлар бўйича ўртача 33,5-36,5 ц/га ни ташкил этди.</p> <p>Тажриба вариантларидан териб олинган пахта ҳосилида толанинг микронейр кўрсаткичи 4,3-4,5 ни ташкил этиб, 75-75-60 % суғориш режимига нисбатан 70-70-60 % режимда суғорилган вариантлардан териб олинган пахта толасининг микронейр кўрсаткичи бир оз юқорилиги аниқланди.</p> 2024-07-19T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jensen's inequality and its applications. 2024-07-21T04:13:46-06:00 B.SH Fayzullayev [email protected] A.M Masharipov [email protected] A.A Atamurotova [email protected] <p>Ma’lumki tengsizliklar matematikada katta o’rin egallaydi. Biz ushbu maqolada tengsizliklarda katta o’rin tutgan Yensen tengsizligi haqida yozdik.Shuningdek Yensen tengsizligidan foydalanib bir nechta mashhur tengsizliklarni isbotlash va bir nechta misollarga tadbiqini kiritdik. Bu maqola asosan matematika bilan shug’llanuvchi va xalqaro olimpiadalarga tayyorlanuvchi o’quvchilar uchun mo’ljallangan. Biz daslab Yensen tengsizligiga kirishdan oldin biz uchun muhim bo’lgan funkiyaning qavariqligi haqida biroz ma‘lumotlarni ko’rib chiqamiz.</p> 2024-07-20T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024