Study of the specifics of the formation of IgG and IgM antibodies to low molecular weight substances (synthetic cannabinoids and antidepressants) in laboratory mice


Law molecular weight substances, antidepressants, synthetic cannabinoids antibodies, metabolizm

How to Cite

Polyarush Svetlana Vitalyevna, Aripova Tamara, Pulatova Lola, & Jalilov Fazliddin. (2024). Study of the specifics of the formation of IgG and IgM antibodies to low molecular weight substances (synthetic cannabinoids and antidepressants) in laboratory mice. Journal of Science-Innovative Research in Uzbekistan, 2(2), 492–502. Retrieved from


The article provides experimental data from immunological studies conducted on mice regarding the formation of antibodies. Тhe results obtained allow us to establish the maximum accumulation of antibodies. It has been shown that the circulation of specific antibodies is maintained at a detectablee level. We can conclude that the most significant for diagnising the use of psychotropic substances is the identification of class antibodies JgM


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