Journal of Universal Science Research (JUSR)(ISSN: 2181-4570) - This international open-access journal publishes original research and articles in various fields. The main objective is to offer an intellectual platform for international scholars and promote interdisciplinary research in applied sciences. This magazine is comprehensive in all areas. All manuscripts must be prepared in Uzbek, English, Russian, Karakalpak, Tajik, and German languages and must be thoroughly reviewed. The scientific journal "Journal of Universal Science Research (JUSR)" was registered as a limited liability company for the publication of periodicals on 16.01.2023 with number #2060968. It was registered as a mass media by the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 13.02.2023 with number #063228.
Publication period: Monthly
Publisher: "Research Science and Innovation house" LLC
SJIF 2024: 5.073
ResearchBib Impact Factor: 6.4 / 2024
ISSN: 3060-4745
IF(Impact Factor)10.41 / 2024
It was registered in the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 2, 2024 with certificate No. 379229.
Year of publication: 2024
Site link:
Duration: 1 time in 1 month (12 issues in 1 year)
Specialization (areas):
1. Exact sciences
2. Natural sciences
3. Philological sciences
4. Pedagogical sciences
5. Social and humanitarian sciences
6. Medical sciences
7. Psychological sciences
8. Economic sciences
9. Technical sciences
10. Art and culture
Chief editor: Eshkaraev S. Ch. - Head of the Department of Natural Sciences of Termiz University of Economics and Service, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Responsible secretary: Boboyorov. S. He is a graduate student of the Termiz branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Prepared for publication: Eshkorayev. S. S. - Master's student of Termiz State University of Engineering and Agro-Technology
"Conference on Universal Science Research 2023" - This collection is an international conference where original research and articles in various fields will be published. The main objective is to offer an intellectual platform for international scholars and promote interdisciplinary research in applied sciences. This magazine is comprehensive in all areas. All manuscripts must be prepared in Uzbek, English, Russian, Karakalpak, Tajik, and German languages and must be thoroughly reviewed. The scientific journal "Conference on Universal Science Research 2023" was registered as a limited liability company for the publication of periodicals on 16.01.2023 with number #2060968. It was registered as a mass media by the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 13.02.2023 with number #063228.
It was registered in the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 2, 2024 with certificate No. 379226.
Year of publication: 2024
Site link:
Duration: 1 time in 1 month (12 issues in 1 year)
Specialization (areas):
1. Exact sciences
2. Natural sciences
3. Philological sciences
4. Pedagogical sciences
5. Social and humanitarian sciences
6. Medical sciences
7. Psychological sciences
8. Economic sciences
9. Technical sciences
10. Art and culture
Chief editor: Eshkaraev S. Ch. - Head of the Department of Natural Sciences of Termiz University of Economics and Service, Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
Responsible secretary: Boboyorov. S. He is a graduate student of the Termiz branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Prepared for publication: Eshkorayev. S. S. - Master's student of Termiz State University of Engineering and Agro-Technology
Konferensiyaning barcha nashrlari fundamental fanlar, texnologiyalar, muhandislik va taʼlim sohasidagi ilmiy va texnologik yutuqlarni yoritib beruvchi ekspertlar tomonidan koʻrib chiqilgan original tadqiqot maqolalaridan iborat bo'lib XXI asrda innovatsion texnologiyalar, fan va ta'lim taraqqiyotidagi dolzarb muammolar va yechimlar haqida tadqiqot qilinadi.
Konferensiyaga professor-oʻqituvchilar, doktorantlar, mustaqil izlanuvchilar, magistrantlar, iqtidorli talabalar, ta’lim muassasalari oʻqituvchi va tarbiyachilari hamda amaliyotchilar tezislar topshirishlari mumkin.
Ushbu konferensiyada fan, ta'lim, texnologiya va ishlab chiqarish sohasidagi integratsiya jarayonlari va ularning rivojlanish istiqbollari o'rganiladi. Integratsiya, turli sohalar orasidagi o'quv-uslubiy amaliyot va innovatsion rivojlanishning bosqichli ta'siri hisoblanadi. Bu integratsiya modellari, ularning o'quv jarayonlariga o'tkazilishi, texnologiyalarning o'quv jarayonlariga qo'llanishi va yangi rivojlanishlarning o'rganishda muhim roli tahlil qilingan.
JOURNAL OF SCIENCE-INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN UZBEKISTAN (ISSN: 2992-8869) ilmiy jurnalining (O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Administratsiyasi huzuridagi AOKAning 081360-sonli Guvohnomasi asosida)2-tom 9-soni uchun qabul e'lon materiallari.
Qabul tillari:
O'zbek, rus, ingliz,
Davriyligi: 1 yilda 12 marotaba nashr
SJIF 2024: 5.047
ResearchBib Impact Factor: 9.654 / 2024
Welcome to Universal Books and Monographs, your premier destination for a world of knowledge and imagination. At Universal Books and Monographs, we pride ourselves on curating an extensive collection of publications that cater to a diverse range of interests, passions, and intellectual pursuits.
More than just a repository of texts, Universal Books and Monographs is a dynamic platform that fosters a sense of community and intellectual exchange. Through interactive forums, author spotlights, and curated recommendations, we aim to ignite conversations, spark inspiration, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the written word.
Whether you're a seasoned scholar, a casual reader, or an aspiring writer, we invite you to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery with Universal Books and Monographs. Join us as we celebrate the transformative power of literature and embark on a quest for knowledge and enlightenment. Welcome aboard!
TECHNICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN UZBEKISTAN (TSRU) (ISSN: 2992-9148) - This journal is an international open access journal that publishes original research and articles in various fields. The main objective is to offer an intellectual platform for international scholars and promote interdisciplinary research in applied sciences. This magazine is comprehensive in all areas. All manuscripts must be prepared in Uzbek, English, Russian, Karakalpak, Tajik, and German languages and must be thoroughly reviewed. The scientific journal "TECHNICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN UZBEKISTAN (TSRU)" was registered as a limited liability company for the publication of periodicals on 16.01.2023 with number #2060968.
Publication period: Monthly
Publisher: "Research Science and Innovation house" LLC
SJIF 2024: 5.333
ResearchBib Impact Factor: 10.57 / 2024
"CONFERENCE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES IN SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIVE RESEARCH"- mualliflarga o'zlarining asl tadqiqot maqolalarini barcha sohalarda nashr etish imkoniyatini beradi. Bir oyda bir marta nashr etiladi.
Konferensiya tabiiy va ijtimoiy-gumanitar soha bo'yicha hamda taʼlim sohasidagi ilmiy va texnologik yutuqlarni yoritib beruvchi ekspertlar tomonidan koʻrib chiqilgan original tadqiqot maqolalaridan iborat bo'lib, yangi O'zbekistonda Tabiiy va Ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlarni rivojlantirish va o'rganish haqida tadqiqot qilinadi.
Website link:
Title: International scientific conference on "MEDICINE, PEDAGOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGY: THEORY AND PRACTICE"
Languages: Uzbek, Russian, English
Founder: Research Science and Innovation House LLC
Year of publication: 2023
Duration: 12 issues per year
Specialization (fields): Medicine, pedagogy, technical sciences, Architecture, Physics and mathematics, Chemistry, Geology and mineralogy.
Based on the results of the conference, a collection of conference articles will be published within 2 days, which is posted on the website in the Conference Archive section and registered in the Google Schoolar Scientific Electronic Library. The participant's article is posted on zenodo by assigning a DOI to the international digital identifier of a scientific publication. Working languages of the conference: Russian, English. Doctors and candidates of sciences, researchers, researchers, specialists, candidates for academic degrees, teachers at all levels of the education system, graduate students, residents, master's students, bachelors, and students are invited to participate in the conference.
ResearchBib Impact Factor: 13.14 / 2024
The Journal of Analytical Synergy and Scientific Horizon is a comprehensive scientific journal that serves as a platform for the publication of innovative research at the intersection of analytical science and diverse scientific disciplines. The journal emphasizes the importance of synergy, where analytical methodologies are applied to solve complex problems across fields such as chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, and environmental science. By focusing on the integration of analytical techniques and interdisciplinary research, it aims to foster collaboration and promote the development of new technologies, methodologies, and approaches. This journal is intended for researchers, scientists, and professionals seeking to explore the latest advancements in analytical sciences and their practical applications in a variety of scientific domains.
Multidisciplinary journal: Fundamental Research Scientific Journal - ochiq jurnal boʻlib, turli sohalardagi haqiqiy tadqiqot maqolalarini nashr etadi. Asosiy maqsad xalqaro olimlar uchun intellektual platformani taklif qilish va amaliy fanlar bo'yicha fanlararo tadqiqotlarni ilgari surishdir. Mazkur jurnalning maqsadi zamonaviy ta’lim tizimini rivojlantirish jarayoniga innovatsion ta’lim texnologiyalarini joriy etish va loyihalash, ta’limni yaxlit rivojlantirish yo‘nalishlari bo‘yicha ijodiy g‘oyalar, taklif va yechimlarni hayotga tatbiq etishdan iborat.Mazkur jurnal materiallaridan oliy ta’lim muassasalari, akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari hamda umumta’lim maktablarining professor-o‘qituvchilari, mustaqil izlanuvchilar, aspirantlar, ilmiy xodimlar, iqtidorli talabalar va shu yo‘nalishda ilmiy ishlar olib borayotgan tadqiqotchilar foydalanishlari mumkin.